Together We Can Build A Better World|The Orchid Hotel Pune|luxury hotel

Together We Can Build A Better World

A forest brimming with diversity is vital for the survival of human beings. Forests are a complex network of living organisms that cohabitate to produce a single entity that is delicately balanced. Forests are multifunctional in nature and contribute to the vitality of our planet. They act as natural shock absorbers during calamities and protect the human settlements in difficult terrain. They protect our rivers, soil, and are a huge carbon sink that helps in reducing global warming.  Humans, an important and superior species of this biological web, has proven itself to be the most destructive of them all. In a span of less than a decade, the global temperature has risen 1 degree more than that of preindustrial levels. Courtesy of human activities and intervention, the global carbon content today has reached the highest since the evolution of humans. In the wake of this global crisis, the IPBES' 2019 Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem, has pulled the trigger on this race to sustainability. 

an image of earth on paper
an image of tree barks

Human efforts to conserve nature are on full swing. Various international organizations comprising of the worlds strongest economies have pledged their allegiance to accelerate conservation efforts. These organizations have signed various treaties in an effort to conserve nature. Back home, India has been playing an active role in the aforesaid efforts. While our government has left no stone unturned in raising awareness about our dwindling natural resources, we being the responsible citizen of our country, should abide by our Directive Principles to try and contribute, in however small a way, to the cause of nature conservation and sustainable living. 

The first step towards this journey and cause starts with planting trees or afforestation which is the process of planting trees or sowing crops in a barren land devoid of any trees to create a forest. Although a small step for an individual, it is a huge step for humanity. 

Impact of Afforestation:
The impact of afforestation is multi-fold. It not only increases the forest cover but also modifies the nature and transformation of soil organic carbon and associated soil properties, which in turn affects plant diversity and ecosystem function. It increases the moisture content of the soil as well as controls soil erosion. 

an image of a hand holding a tiny plant
earth- day

Efforts in Afforestation:
Many government and non-governmental organizations are working towards afforestation efforts. Often, individual contributions towards such a noble cause garner accolade and appreciation. 
Anandavan situated in Pune in the state of Maharashtra is a public charitable fund with the core objective of increasing people’s awareness about Environment, Wildlife, Climate Change and Forest worldwide and to work towards it. The contribution and work done by this fund towards environmental conservation and awareness is commendable.  


The Orchid Hotel Pune is proud to be associated with Anandavan and is honoured to be bestowed with the opportunity to work closely with this reputed organization in their efforts towards nature conservation. This month, we at The Orchid Hotel Pune, worked in close proximity with Anandavan on making seed balls that were to be distributed before the monsoons. These are balls of mud and soil that have been mixed with seeds of various plants and are to be planted in various places during the monsoon season. We assisted the team of Anandavan in this joint venture to contribute towards environmental conservation. Their team joined us with the required resources today, on May 18th. We also planned a fundraiser to acquire seeds and mud. All our employees attended the event with dedication towards the drive and made their contribution to ushering in change.